Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Virginia Bluebells

Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) is one of my favorite spring wildlowers. The cool blue-green foliage is attractive, but it's the flowers, especially the color combinations provided by the pink buds and blue flowers in the same raceme that really get me excited. I think you'll see what I mean when you view this sequence of three pictures I took of the same plant growing in the garden, one each day, starting on March 26.

Mertensia virginica
Mertensia virginica on March 26, 2007
Mertensia virginica on March 27, 2007
Mertensia virginica on March 28, 2007


Mrs. Lisa Pulley said...

You are so right - the pink and blue combination IS beautiful. Picture #2 was taken on my beautiful, half bloomed daughter's 15th birthday. It makes me think of her :)

Unknown said...

We love the bluebells around here, too! My daughter, with a look of wonder on her face and a hand to her ear: "I can almost hear them ringing!"

Bodhisagan said...

Blue bells are amazing. I love plants that do their thing and then disappear. Of course that makes them hard to find in nurseries, but no
