Sunday, March 11, 2007

'Delibes' and 'Trevithian'

We continue to have ideal weather for the late winter daffodil display, alternating between brief warm spells, during which more flowers open, and cool, which helps them last. This post will feature two Narcissus, 'Delibes' and 'Trevithian', which started blooming a few days ago and now have enough flowers open to photograph.

Narcissus 'Delibes' attracts attention with its deep yellow petals and wide, flat, ruffled, orange-rimmed cup. Its flower form looks much like N. 'Ice Follies' and not surprisingly, it's also classified as a large cup. It's been a reliable bloomer in the garden and multiplied at a slow, steady rate.

Narcissus 'Delibes'
Narcissus 'Delibes'
Narcissus 'Delibes'
Narcissus 'Delibes'

Narcissus 'Trevithian' is the first jonquilla hybrid to bloom in the garden. Each scape bears very fragrant, deep yellow, medium-sized flowers in small clusters. It has very narrow, dark green foliage, usually taller than the flower scapes, which I had to part to get a clear view of the flowers for the close-ups, but this not as much of a concern in the garden because the foliage is so wispy. Like 'Delibes', it's been a reliable bloomer in the garden and multiplied at a slow, steady rate.

Narcissus 'Trevithian'
Narcissus 'Trevithian'
Narcissus 'Trevithian'
Narcissus 'Trevithian'

The next Narcissus to bloom in the garden will be the small-cupped 'Tullybeg', followed shortly after by the pink-cupped 'Accent'.

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