Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring Beauty

While it's true that spring is upon us and beauty can be observed readily, that's not the meaning of this post's title. Instead it refers to a tiny native wildflower, Claytonia virginica, that goes by the common name of Spring Beauty. It grows in profusion alongside the creek and it's one of the first wildflowers to bloom here each spring. The flowers on the plants in our population vary from pure white to pale pink, but my favorites are white with pink stripes.

Claytonia virginica
Claytonia virginica


Bodhisagan said...

Some folks can only enjoy those flowers that are extreme in size and brightness of color. I often enjoy these subtle beauties because I have to look for them, not in spite of having to look for them.

Mrs. Lisa Pulley said...

I, too, love Spring Beauties. My dad would always (and I'm sure still does) recite the following poem when we would start seeing Spring Beauties.

Spring is sprung
The grass is 'riz'
I wonder where the birdies is?